
EU project: 3Place - Performing arts as the Third place for the young audience 

The project will explore and develop methods for how we can make the performing arts a third place for young people.
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EU project: Teen Ambassadors Across Europe

The project explored sustainable and inclusive ways of engaging young audiences and developed new methods of collaboration between artistic leadership and young people.
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EU project: PUSH+.

The project stimulated European dialogue around themes that were, and still are, underrepresented in performing arts for young audiences: home, failure and different bodies.
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EU project: PUSH

The project stimulated European dialogue around themes that were, and still are, underrepresented in performing arts for young audiences: gender and sexual identity, migration and overprotection.
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EU project: T.E.E.N.

The T.E.E.N. project had an ambitious goal of creating greater interest in the performing arts among young people aged 10-19.
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2016 - 2021

Iris: talk about performing arts

Iris was an online resource designed to develop children and young people's reflection on the performing arts.
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Performing arts and young people

This is the largest collection of texts on performing arts for children and young people ever published in Norway. The anthology was created in connection with Scenekunstbruket's 20th anniversary in 2014.
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