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December 4, 2024

Support from the Sparebankstiftelsen for the further development of Unge stemmer

Scenekunstbruket are very pleased to have received support from Sparebankstiftelsen DNB to expand and further develop the Unge stemmer project. Young Voices gives young people a platform to share their experiences and reflections about performing arts and an opportunity to participate in the public conversation about art.


December 4, 2024

A day with young voices at Showbox

Are you wondering what it's like to be Young Voices on Showbox?

Lily, Maya, TT, Olivia, Bertine and Kathrine (15 years)

December 2, 2024

Language, costumes and laughter

Tongue twister is a performance in which various tongue twisters in different languages are performed by a man who doesn't actually know the languages.

Bertine and Kathrine (15 years old)

November 29, 2024

An insight into men's thoughts and feelings

A review of a play about young men, written by five young women

Lily, Bertine, Maya, Olivia, Kathrine (15 years)

November 27, 2024

A party with good atmosphere, culture and deep eye contact

As an audience, you feel that you are part of the party, you are taken on a journey of emotions.

Olivia and Maya (15 years)