Farvann takes us through the positive and negative experiences three people have had with their fathers.

People to love

We meet Monica Ifejilika, Numa Edema Norderhaug and Asta Busingye Lydersen, three friends with very different personalities, stories and relationships. Monica is an exuberant bundle of joy, she makes it exciting to listen to everything she says with her empathy and courage. Asta is more serious, but she's still a joy to watch. When she speaks, she makes you very interested in what she's talking about and you realize if what she's talking about is important to her, without her changing her voice much. Numa has hands down, the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. When I saw him open his mouth, I was looking forward to just hearing his voice. He can make his voice high, or low, but still be heard just as well. This trio is gold.

Stories about his father

The actors talk about, among other things, a trip to Monica's father's village, where many men come to be with her, but she doesn't want to. Almost all of the stories in the production are about, or have the father as a central theme, which makes you want to get to know not only the actors, but also their families and lives.

Perfect music

While they talk about their stories and memories, Sidiki Camara sits and creates beautiful soundscapes. He plays various percussion and string instruments. The music he creates is African-inspired and enhances the voices of the actors. A couple of times during the performance, the performers sing to the music, they have very beautiful voices and the songs don't feel out of place.

Almost perfect

The performance is almost perfect, the only "boring" thing is the intro. Here they talk about "Fredensborg", a slave ship from the 1800s that crashed and sank. The story is exciting and important, but it lasts quite a long time with little variation. You don't really see the personality of the actors in this segment, which makes it almost shocking when they are suddenly so bouncy and interesting. It takes some time to get used to the fast-paced performance after the start, but once you do it becomes a lot of fun.

Fine people

All in all, this is a very nice show where you meet absolutely fantastic people who are willing to talk about very private things, without it being awkward. They seem like people who are very nice to get to know. These people are easy to love and easy to understand!