Rom for Dans, a dance group in Oslo. They are celebrating their tenth anniversary this year and have invited us to Showbox to see the preview of their anniversary performance Underlandet.
Underlande is a philosophical dance performance with different elements of music and scenography.

It's a very interesting and different performance, which sheds light on difficult questions in life.with the use of strange movements and interesting dances.

The story was unclear and so was the message, but the music was good. We disagreed with some of the solutions they had used to make the performance special, especially with the choice of seatingEspecially with the choice of seating, which really determines how you experience the performance.

Some may find the cobbles a little claustrophobic or irritating, (especially the smoke machine), but also impressive, you can easily see that a lot of time has gone into creating the scenery. With 2,000 cones hanging from the ceiling, it created a great atmosphere, especially when we first walked into the room.

We also liked the costumes, they were imaginative, fun and also a little scary.

We disagreed a little when it came to the characters, some of us found them entertaining. The rest thought they were a bit weird and unpleasant, but we agreed that the characters of the twins were a breath of fresh air for the performance.

This play is made by professionals for professionals. It was quite a confusing performance and long performance that we young people weren't really a fan of. But it was very out of the ordinary, something that big fans of theater and dance would want to catch.

I would suggest this performance for adults 18+.