The Beast with Feathers
It's a Belgian duo who wanted to showcase different perspectives on performing arts, you don't need to be dependent on a language to be able to understand what they mean in this performance, because here it's facial expressions that count. The age group was actually from 4-10 years, but we think it's fine for just about the whole family, it was very entertaining.
The performance was good, they had focus throughout and were very concentrated. They started with a suitcase that they were going to take apart, and focused on it until the man opened the suitcase and found a small box. Inside the box were juggling balls.
The performance was without words, so they did not speak during the performance. They used their bodies as instruments instead, with some props of course. The dance they danced seemed like an argument about everything they did really, like a pair of siblings or two friends. There was dancing, different types of juggling such as with ball and umbrellas. There was also fun and games on stage. They also played the violin and accordion. The audience was entertained the whole time. The children in particular were laughing, and many said "wow" and "oh" because they thought it was exciting or well done by the performers. They knew what they were doing and had full control.
The music matched the dancing and juggling. The performers' names were Isabelle du Bois and Kevin Troussart.
It was a humor show and there is a reason why it was called humor, people laughed and smiled through the performance. So I would call this a humorous show. It was an exciting show because something was happening all the time.
I think this type of show should have an age limit of 6-10 years and 45-75, for example. I think the age group between 10-40 years would not find this very interesting. Maybe some 10-15 will think otherwise, but not many.
This show has professional people and is a great show for a class or an adult couple. I recommend classes to see it!
Ingrid(13) Veronica(14) Tone(14)