Image taken from the showbox pages. More pictures and a description of the show can be found here.

Written by: Jan Sobrie
New English version of Oliver Emanuel
Directed by Lu Kemp
Lighting design: Ben Ormerod
Actor: Joe Arkley
Techniques: Andy Gannon
Duration: 45 min
From 14 years due to the show being performed in English
The performance started with a man climbing down the rows of benches in the auditorium while humming the theme tune to Superman. We quickly realized that he was supposed to be a child. He climbed over the people in the auditorium and eventually reached the only set in the room, which was a desk in the middle of the stage floor. He quickly explains that he's standing on the roof of the school and is about to jump.
Titus was an exciting performance with only one actor, Joe Arkley. As the main character, Titus, he talked about things he had experienced. After he had talked for a while, it became clear that he wasn't going to do much else, and I, at least, was worried that it was going to be boring. It turned out to be an unnecessary worry, because the things he talked about were so exciting that I hardly noticed that time was passing.
The actor spoke clearly with a nice English accent that was easy to follow. He was very good at varying his voice to bring out the differences in what he was saying. It was exciting when he switched between talking about "experienced memories" and from the present on the school roof. What detracts a little is that it became a bit predictable in some places. You weren't really afraid that he was actually going to jump. Some of the excitement was lost, and we didn't get that "wow" feeling when we came out of the hall.
If the show hadn't been in English, many younger people would probably have enjoyed it too. It deals with experiences that both young and old can relate to. All in all, it was a good show that is really worth seeing.