A dance performance based on the relationship between hormones and movements, these help to show different hormones in our body. The performance is difficult to interpret, because there was so much of everything. A simple explanation could be that there are two girls wearing what looked like inflatable sumo wrestler suits, dancing around in gold confetti, but that's just the surface.

I came into the auditorium very hopeful for this dance performance, I had heard that there would be a lot of confetti. During the performance I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, this may have something to do with the repetitive action, and the dark setting. In addition, the dancing seemed very disorganized and I did not understand much of the action. There was a lot of the same thing, and very little emotion as I perceived it, so the message didn't quite get through. At the same time, the atmosphere went up and down, from very dark and the dancers made little of themselves, to light and the dancers running around shouting "Yes!" and "Yes!". When we came out of the hall, the first question we asked each other was "what was that?" and I have to say that I'm not entirely sure.

The recommended age group is 16+ years, while I think this age group is fine, I actually think you can enjoy it even if you are younger, as long as you are interested in dance. You should be interested in dancing anyway to watch this, seeing that it's mainly dancing, and extremely little talking.


The show is still something I think some people will enjoy, but this time they didn't hit me. I wish there was more going on, and that it would seem more organized. If you are thinking of watching this dance performance, without knowing as much about technical dance as I do, then I recommend reading what it is about first, it might help.

So all in all, this is not a show I want to see again, but if you're interested in dance, I think it might suit you.