"Monsters" impresses!
The Dutch Duda Paiva Company really impresses with the performance Monsters.
The audience is drawn into a world of monsters. The performance is an incredible mix of acting, puppetry and humor.
Three performers play different monsters, and in addition play ordinary people. A lot of the switching between characters was part of the performance, and this made the show different and even more exciting and not least fun.
"Fear" is the first thing they ask when everyone is seated. "What are you afraid of?", many answers come from the audience, some are afraid of snakes, some spiders, "Are you afraid of monsters?" the performance starts. Fear is a recurring theme in Monsters, you fear the monsters, while the monsters fear you.
The message of Monsters is that there is a monster in everyone. Before you see the show, you might think the monsters are the puppets, but eventually you realize that humans are monsters too.
We thought this show was incredibly good! One of the most thought-provoking performances that was still incredibly funny so we could hardly stop laughing. We would really recommend this show to everyone! At least school children from 5th grade and up. They will really enjoy this show. It's mainly an English show, but the language was very easy to understand, and it's possible to enjoy the show even if you don't understand everything they say.
Thank you very much for the performance Duda Paiva Company!