Konflikten is a performance, today performed by Mads Sjøgård Pettersen. It is about the conflict between Palestine and Israel. It is written on the basis of 2 journeys and 37 interviews. It is a monologue with lots of information about the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

We enter a hall and sit down in an amphitheater. The names of a number of countries are written on the floor of the stage and a large square is drawn with the word Palestine. Mads points to the different countries when he talks about them, which gives us a good understanding of the countries involved.

There are a lot of facts in this show because few people know much about the two countries, Palestine and Israel. As Mads says, the reason he wanted to start working on this show is that he didn't have enough knowledge about what has been going on in the Middle East. "It's good that there's a lot of information so we know exactly what has happened. But there can be a lot of heavy information all at once, which makes me feel a bit overwhelmed.

Mads Sjøgård Pettersen has a very good empathy when he speaks. It seems that Palestine and Israel is something he really has a lot of knowledge about and seems interested in. He also has good contact with the audience, which means that I can keep up with him all the time. He reads from some books along the way when he has a lot to say. Several of the SUSers think this is a good way to add a bit of variety. He says he does it because he's only had a week to practise and that it's not usually included. "My opinion is that it should be included all the time to show that the facts are straight from the book. "

Mads talks about one of his trips to Israel, right at the start. "I think it should have been a little clearer throughout the performance. It would have made it easier for me to follow along.

For me, the performance was a bit like a lecture or presentation, but having said that it was a very good presentation. If this had been a lecture for an hour, it would have been the hour of the year.

One downside of the whole experience was that it was quite painful to sit in the amphitheater. It was very hard on the butt and painful not to have support in the back. And I say that as a 15-year-old.

Without giving too much away, the ending is my favorite part. It makes me a little emotional and happy. It's a good ending to the show, but at the same time it's the start of something bigger.

The target group is from 15 years of age, which I think fits very well. For me, who is just 15, it was a bit boring with so many facts, especially when I had little knowledge from before.


Text, idea: Torstein Bjørklund
Text, idea: Kristine Klubben
Actor: Mads Sjøgård Pettersen
Direction/Instruction, text, dramaturg: Mads Sjøgård Pettersen

From 15 years

Some info about the show: http://www.showbox.no/pub/showbox/shows/?aid=1199&cid=39&viewall=1&eid=1200


Ida Ramstad, SUS