'Harry Paws (with an 'o')' by Madam Pysj, is a parody of the first Harry Potter movie, with a slightly funny twist. Where they are not trained to be wizards, but magicians at Hogwarts.

The actors were good at improvising and staying in character, despite a slightly restless and difficult audience. They performed magic tricks and "tricked", which created a magical feeling in the audience. There were many funny jokes that had good timing. The jokes were suitable for everyone, even adult spectators. During the performance, there were also many references to other well-known phenomena.

Since the play is so adaptable, we believe that it can entertain all age groups, from 1st grade all the way to senior groups.

Madam Pysj kompaniet managed to create a good performance with little scenery and few actors. Even though they were few actors, they managed to bring out many different characters.

All in all, this was a great show for all ages, which the whole family can enjoy. With funny jokes and characters, the company creates a fun twist on the Harry Potter series.