Eye Seraeye
Eye Seraeye is an interpretation of what it means to be alive, how you can affect others and how they can affect you. When a motorcyclist collides with a bus, leaving him trapped underneath, he finds himself somewhere between life and death. Throughout the play, he reflects on his life and whether he has made the right decisions and done what he wants to do. Was his life lived well? Has he always been a good person? What could have been done differently and what can he do differently? The motorcyclist also begins to wonder who he is, and who others think he is. What is it that defines the person we are? Is it the choices we make, is it what we think or what others think? If given the chance to live on, will he start doing things differently?
We think this piece was good because the content was so relevant. It brings up a lot of important things that you think about in everyday life. Who are we and what do others think of us? It was a stylish scene, which gave a mysterious and frightening impression. It was a good representation of the mind, and even though the scene was simply constructed, it was entertaining to watch. There was always climbing or activity going on, which kept you on your toes. The play consisted of one role, divided into two. The motorcyclist and his subconscious. It alternated between the motorcyclist saying things out loud or thinking them, while his subconscious had its own voice.
The piece had its own unique concept, and it was a really cool way of presenting the message. It was a bit difficult to understand what state the motorcyclist was in. Was he dead, alive, in a coma, passed out, or in a state between life and death. The ending was also a bit of a mystery, because you wondered if he somehow got a chance to change the outcome of the accident, if he managed to wake up from a possible coma or if he came back to life. Even though the ending wasn't clear, it gave us some thoughts about how the ending might have turned out. All in all, the play was very well executed, and we think it was well suited to its target audience of 10+, but we believe it is also suitable for older audiences as it requires a lot of interpretation afterwards.