"The 20 best minutes of your life" is an improvised performance that takes place in the classroom. The experience this provides only happens this one time. The performance occurs spontaneously in the classroom, the teacher is suddenly interrupted, and in comes Mikkel Niva followed by a walking light rig and a piano on wheels. Then Kristin Jess Rodin follows, and things are underway.

"This performance was a unique experience because the actors use the space and the suggestions we make. This is a great way to engage the audience in creating their own little story, there and then. Everything from quick one-liners to strange sounds entertains and makes you laugh.
This performance is perfect for bringing a good atmosphere into the classroom. Students get a sense that they are seen and heard.

We enjoyed this performance very much. Spontaneity and creativity is something students need to be stimulated, and everyone benefits from a good laugh!

If you would like more information about the performances, see Market for performing arts.

We do not claim any professional expertise, but write in collaboration about our experiences from the performances on the market for performing arts. Hug Sceneliv 360°