We follow Julie and Andreas "in the bosom of the sea", this was the continuation of the producer forum.

Check out part 1 of the review to see what we thought before we saw the show again!

As soon as we entered the press room to watch part 2, we noticed big differences. The setup was much better, they had put standing spotlights around where Andreas and Julie were sitting, and this gave a feeling that we were invited into the bubble that we felt we were sitting outside in part 1. They've been working flat out for two days and the effort they've put into the show shows. 

They conveyed the story much better and more clearly. It was much easier to follow, both because you understand more of the story, but also because the crew managed to stay out of the way and not interfere with the experience. Andreas and Julie were able to communicate with the audience, and they talked more to us than to each other this time. Even though they talk to us better, they haven't lost the good chemistry that they have between them. 

They have included several effects in the background such as light shows and background sounds like the sea and seagulls. Julie switches between different harps and explains what emotions they are associated with, they explain well where and what the different instruments are for. This concert was much better than we expected!

In their own bubble (Producer Forum Part 1)

Producer forum part 2: In the bosom of the sea