Sherlock's last case (hopefully not): The Fog
We have seen many fine and exciting performances during this week, but the best of them is guaranteed to be "Sherlock's last case: The Fog" by Robsrud & DeaN. The performance is a new take on the well-known story "The Hound of the Baskervilles" written by Arthur Conan Doyle. The performance is built on lies and truths and it makes the audience take a stand on the issues. "The Fog" is an interactive play that is suitable for everyone from 10 and up.
The performance was a good mix of seriousness, humor, music and good costumes. While the play was well thought out, there was a kind of frivolous and more relaxed attitude that made you have a more everyday and comradely attitude to the play and the actors. The mere fact that there were only two actors playing all the roles led to fun and creative solutions for both characters and costumes.
Beforehand, this play was the one we were looking forward to the most, as we are all already big fans of the "Sherlock" series on Netflix. We were looking forward to seeing yet another interpretation of this character and we had heard that we would get to help solve the mystery, which we were looking forward to. Our expectations were immediately answered by beautiful singing and banter. Although the opening was a highlight in itself, it wasn't the only one. To put it mildly.
Throughout the performance, we got several glimpses of hysterical humor, through both jokes and funny costume changes. The actors showed great self-irony in the play, such as when they killed their own technician during the performance. This also affected the audience, and we felt that there was a happy and relieved atmosphere in the hall throughout the show, which can be difficult to achieve. The atmosphere was only enhanced by their communication with the audience, where we were able to provide effects through sound and other fun antics.
As we said earlier, we think "Sherlock's last case: The Fog" was the best of many good performances throughout the Showbox week. The reason for this is that we think the actors really hit us with their humor, which was quite brilliant. They went about their business in an amateurish but professional way, which again enhanced this impression. All in all, a brilliant revival!
Even, Håkon and Simon, SUS 2017