Rami and Yuli is a wonderful puppet show based on the classic tale of Romeo and Juliet. With an exciting twist on the well-known story, it engages both young and old. When the story becomes too similar to the original, they break the fourth wall, turn towards the audience and interrupt the scene in a festive way by jumping straight into a slightly more unorthodox scene. This creates good contact with the audience and a good deal of laughter erupts in the hall. Rami and Yuli also have fantastic sound and lighting effects and a slightly more unusual use of visual effects, which is very interesting to see in action. All in all, Rami and Yuli is an exciting twist on the well-known story and a show that is really worth seeing. It may not grab you at first, but by the end you'll be glad you didn't miss it.

Rami and Yuli

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We do not claim any professional expertise, but write in collaboration about our experiences from the performances on the market for performing arts. Hug Sceneliv 360°