Mysterious and magnetic cube by Vera Adamovic
Puls is a performance about a mysterious cube of rust
The cube has a magnetic force that draws the two main characters to it and won't let them leave. When they go
too far away, it creates a loud sound and a kind of force field that prevents them from leaving. The performance has no dialog, but still conveys the meaning with choreography and body language. It's about a man and a woman trying to escape from the cube.
On stage, there's just a mysterious box of scrap and rusted metal, which they climb on and try to destroy. They find solutions that only work for one of them and they have to start over again and again. The set design was fascinating and exciting and the cube was wonderfully made.
The two characters were both talented actors and dancers, and it was very entertaining to see that kind of choreography.
The performance has room to be interpreted in many different ways, I thought about how you can be addicted to something without being aware of it and it is therefore a performance that is fun to discuss afterwards.
I would recommend Puls for both young and old, but it can be scary for younger children. All in all, it is
a fantastic show that is 100% worth seeing. Especially if you like science fiction and mysterious things.