In connection with the pandemic and the serious impact of the infection control measures on the performing arts field, Scenekunstbruket is establishing an extraordinary grant scheme for the organization of performances for children and young people.

About the call:

  • The funds are reserved for developing and facilitating existing performances for children and young people, and how the art meeting can take place physically for a limited number of spectators.
  • The call is for professional performing arts productions for children and youth.

The aim is to help ensure that children and young people have good performing arts experiences together, and to stimulate the development of performances and new forms of audience strategies. The scheme has a long-term perspective, with the aim of ensuring that adapted performances and concepts can live on well beyond the current corona situation in 2020. The funding will go to projects that, among other things, work around new dissemination and audience strategies with the physical experience as a starting point.

The scheme will have a short processing time and applications will be assessed by a specially appointed committee.

The Spenn extraordinary grant scheme is a supplement to the other two Spenn grants for new production and adaptation/revival, where existing guidelines apply.

kr. 500 000,-

Important information

  • Applicants must have a letter of intent with a county or other organizer to show the performance in autumn 2020 or spring 2021.
  • The performance does not have to be in Scenekunstbruket's repertoire.
  • Scenekunstbruket does not require other sources of funding, but encourages applicants to contact other actors for funding, as we have limited funds available.
  • The funding must go towards the development of an existing production, and not towards the development of a new production. The adapted performance must work for a limited number of audiences at a time.
  • The main goal of the call is to achieve the physical art meeting, but we are open to companies using digital tools as part of the dissemination or having site-specific alternatives for display.


Announcement: May 4, 2020 at 1 p.m.

Application deadline: May 25, 2020 at 1 p.m.

The award will be announced: June 17, 2020

Who can apply:

Professional performers, artists, companies, production environments and producers in the performing arts. The projects must have professional performers. The performance applied for must have a letter of intent with a county or other organizer to show the performance in autumn 2020 or spring 2021.

For more information and application form see

Contact us:

Gabrielle Haga: / 22 42 58 10

From July 6 to August 3 there is a holiday period and no payments will be made.