On Monday, Scenekunstbruket will travel to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania to participate in IPAY - International Performing Arts for Youth. Hege Haagenrud will also be there with the performance How to be alone.

IPAY is an American membership organization and the world's largest international showcase and conference for performing arts for children and young people.

Our participation is part of our international strategy to build networks and increase the exchange of performing arts between countries. We want to see more international performing arts on the road, to ensure a good diversity.

At IPAY we will once again meet many of our European colleagues and contacts, and Scenekunstbruket will have its own stand in the exhibition area with information about several Norwegian performing arts companies and generally about our activities in the field of performing arts for children and young people. In addition to this, we will see a number of performances and presentations, and participate in various professional seminars.

With this, we want to lay the groundwork for the FOCUS ON program, which at IPAY in 2015 will focus on Norway.

We're not the only ones going to IPAY, but also Hege Haagenrud with her performance How to be alone. Scenekunstbruket invited IPAY's director, Jeremy "Boomer" Stacey, to Showbox in December, where he saw the premiere of the production and then invited it over to IPAY. How to be alone will be performed on January 22 and opens Kindling, a series that deals with performing arts for children and young people that challenge boundaries. Read more about it here: Kindling