Experience performing arts from all over the country when 28 theaters join forces for a brand new festival! The program is as varied as our theatrical diversity, and shows what's happening in theatre Norway today. The festival is hosted by Osloteatrene, and the whole thing is rounded off with the awarding of the prestigious Hedda Prize at Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre) on June 18. In addition to this, there will be a post-show at the opera the following week, June 20-24.

Bring everyone you know to this celebration of the performing arts!

Welcome to the theater!

Scenekunstbruket presents two performances for a young audience

During the Hedda Days, Scenekunstbruket presents NIE's fantastic performance The Museum of Memories in a tent in front of the National Theater, and Katja Brita Lindeberg's beautiful If only Lyseblå could become a superhero in Riksteatret in Nydalen.

Minnenes Museum

In the Museum of Memories, you are invited into NiE's own little ephemeral museum building. Inside a room filled with memories, five people reconstruct a life that has ended. Two brothers, a neighbor, a teacher and a girlfriend. With warmth, music and humor, they tell stories about someone they have lost. A brother, a student, a neighbor boy, the first love.

The audience sits close together in the intimate room, which is reminiscent of an archive, and experiences the actors and the stories up close. After the performance, the drawers in the archive open and become a small museum, a space for reflection with various sensory experiences that can evoke associations with one's own life and memories.

The Museum of Memories was nominated for Gullsekken for best performance in The Cultural Rucksack in 2015.

It was a powerful experience, and I guess most people had a lump in their throat or a tear in the corner of their eye when the performance ended. However, it's not a sad experience because there's a lot of humor and joy in the play. " - Unge Stemmer.

Read more and buy tickets here. Suitable for youth from 15 years.

If only Light Blue could be a superhero

Imagine if you could be a superhero in a superhero world in another galaxy. You were invincible. Someone who no one could hurt.

In "If only Light Blue could be a superhero" you meet Light Blue. He's scared, but no one knows that. He often stands alone in the schoolyard. He's not allowed to join in when the other boys play football because he's too weak. Nor is he allowed to join in when they play superheroes, because Lyseblå likes teddy bears and always cries. Deep down, Lyseblå dreams of being a superhero so that his teachers and the other kids can see that he can do something too and isn't just a wimp in the universe. A superhero never gives up!

"IT HAS BEEN AMAZING to show the performance to SFO in Asker - the children, parents and staff (both in the house and SFO) have been overjoyed. I still think (after seeing it 7 times in total) that it is one of the best performances I have seen for children. - So wise about such a difficult topic: good text, nice directorial grip and Dagfinn is very, very nice. " - Mari Haugen, Asker kulturhus

Read more and buy tickets at Riksteatret. Suitable for children between 6-10 years.






