Pim & Theo
Two men meet after death, both murdered by extremists for their words in public.
It will be a meeting about freedom of expression, tolerance between people and where the boundaries and responsibility for our expressions should go.
Pim & Theo is a newly written theater production based on the lives of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh and politician Pim Fortuyn, Theo van Gogh was killed by an Islamic fundamentalist while cycling to work. Pim Fortuyn was killed outside a radio station in Hilversum by an animal rights activist.
In the theater performance, the two meet after death, as the characters Baldy and The Fool. The performance is performed in an installation with sound, projections and actors inside a circle where the audience, sitting or standing, becomes part of the scenography, close to the actors. This is a performance about tolerance between people, loss of values, boundaries and responsibility for the personal freedom to express oneself about anything to anyone at any cost. And with their well-known signature, Teater NIE and Odsherred Teater balance delicately between comedy and tragedy.
What are we allowed to express? What are we allowed to do? How do we make decisions? If we don't agree, who makes the decision?
Iva Moberg
Henrik Ipsen
Simon Vagn Jensen
Alex Byrne
Kjell Moberg
Base price A
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In addition, there will be a rigging day (ref.entitled), contact the group.
Travel, per diem and accommodation are not included in the prices.
The basic prices are prices for performances BEFORE Scenekunstbrukets refund.
Read more about Scenekunstbrukets basic prices.
Travel, per diem and accommodation not included
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Iva Moberg