a performance for youth based on Erlend Loe's book "Maria & Josè"

The performance is in two parts. In the first room, the audience meets Maria. Outwardly, Maria is perfect, successful and beautiful. Maria herself does not think so. She lives in a struggle between her outward image and her own self-image. Maria has many secrets.

In the other room we meet Josè. He loves Maria and would do anything for her. But he has a problem, he has become so small that the only way he can be near Maria is to live in her ear. One day, Josè discovers Maria's egg is about to hatch.

The performance tackles the themes of eating disorders, love & sexuality, expectations and perceptions of oneself and the opposite sex.

Pupils at Kongsberg Upper Secondary School were used as consultants in the design of the performance mat/menn/mus. The actors shadowed a school class for a month, working with the pupils on ideas and texts. The pupils provided invaluable and insightful comments on working screenings of the production, and helped to shape the final product.

mat/menn/mus is a school performance in the true sense of the word, made for a classroom and a bomb shelter respectively. The production premiered in 1999 and has since toured large parts of southern Norway, both in high schools and secondary schools.

Educational use of the performance:Based on its experience, Gorgon Produksjoner has made some suggestions for educational use. The content of the performance is suitable as a theme in Norwegian, aesthetic subjects, health and social studies/mental health, among others.

Suggestions for educational themes for "food/men/mice" from Gorgon Productions

NorwegianRead the book "Maria and José" by Erlend Loe and Kim Hiorthøy in advance.Set up the text as a short story.Talk about dramatization of the text.Analyze and dramatize the text.Write a review.

Health and Social Sciences/Psychological HealthWork with body, health and gender-related issues such as eating disorders, sexuality and identity.

DramaDramatization of fiction texts.Classical drama and dramaturgy vis a vis equal dramaturgy.Institutional theater versus free group.Contemporary performing arts.Writing reviews.

Form and ColorFrom text to drawing.book illustrations.working with scenography and costumes.crossover art.


From text to theater: The class can prepare by reading 'Maria & José' and working with the text in advance (this is not a prerequisite for getting something out of the performance). The actors are open for discussion/conversation with the students after the performance, if the teachers wish. The performance can be used as a starting point in classes on the topics of eating disorders, love & sexuality, expectations and perceptions of oneself and the opposite sex. The group can also offer introductory courses in drama and creative writing. The courses can be customized for each individual school/class (courses are not included in the performance price).

What does the press say?

60 minutes

Set up:
30 minutes

90 minutes

Regular outlet

Marius Kolbenstvedt

Kristin Hestad

Sissel Drag

Olav Torget

Erlend Loe

Ebba Johannson

Inge van der Drift

Carol Mendelsohn

Travel, per diem and accommodation not included

Book the performance

Get in touch with:
Kristin Hestad