September 4, 2024
April 14, 2016
Grace - Project funds have been awarded
In connection with this year's 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the Church Council announced 1.5 million in project funding for the development of performing arts productions for children and young people. Scenekunstbruket has been a professional and administrative partner, and now the funds have been distributed! Seven performances about the Reformation receive financial support from the Church Council. The Reformation commemoration...
In connection with this year's 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the Church Council announced 1.5 million in project funding for the development of performing arts productions for children and young people. Scenekunstbruket has been a professional and administrative partner, and now the funds have been distributed!
Seven performances about the Reformation receive financial support from the Church Council. The Reformation celebrations will reach out to the growing generation.
In the autumn of 2017, churches across the country will be able to invite children and young people to performances that focus on the themes of the Reformation. Grace, empowerment and life management are some of the themes that will be explored through this project.
Performing arts à la Luther
2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, and in connection with this, the Church Council announced 1.5 million in project funding for the development of performing arts productions for children and young people.
Scenekunstbruket Luther is involved as a professional and administrative partner. Thirty-seven applications were received from all over the country, with a total application amount of over NOK 9.5 million. The applications show great diversity in terms of both form and content, with themes being actualized in new, exciting and challenging ways.
- We look forward to following the process with those who are awarded funding, and hope the performances will have a long touring life," says Anki Oveland, CEO of Scenekunstbruket.
Seven applications were awarded funding based on an overall assessment with emphasis on content and artistic quality. In terms of genre, the applications include traditional theater, music, objects, puppets, storytelling and dance. Several of the performances have a participatory form.
Why performing arts in faith education?
One of the applicants writes: "The church room and the theater room have something in common: both are places for rites and rituals and are a suitable space for addressing the big questions. The church room has its own concentration, its own atmosphere and its own emotional charge. And where the church room is largely linked to traditions - the theater room is a place where these can be tested, challenged and opened up.
- "We are delighted with the good response to the Grace2017 call. I hope these performances will create important and open conversations about life and faith, tradition and renewal," says Kristine Aksøy, Head of Section at the Church Council.
Award list:
Happy Monks productions: Because you are worth it!" (Musical theater, support 150.000 kr)
Hordaland Theatre: Josef og brørne hans (Theater, funding NOK 200.000)
Kirketeatret i Fredrikstad/Thor Rummelhoff: Öppna en dør (Theater, funding 210.000 kr)
Blendwerk: Martin (Theater, funding NOK 390.000)
Inamorata Dance Company: Størst av alt er (Dance, funding NOK 100,000)
Arctic Rose Productions: Barnas bål, (Musical theater, funding NOK 200,000)
Fortelleriet: Fortellingen om Jakob (Various genres, funding NOK 250,000)
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