The prices apply to performances included in our repertoire, on tour in The Cultural Rucksack. Performances outside the repertoire, or performed in other arenas/with other organizers, are not subject to these prices.

Performances presented through Scenekunstbruket have a price that is binding for artists and organizers in Scenekunstbruket's member counties. This is also the basis for reimbursement (incl. travel, accommodation and per diem) for the organizer support.

Our calculation is based on the framework agreement with The Cultural Rucksack from 2012 (revised), and by agreement with the trade unions CREO, Norwegian Actors' Association and Norwegian Dance Artists. We are not a negotiating party in the artist network.

Basic price A: when only one performance can be played per day, due to touring logistics or time-consuming performance/rigging.

Base price B: price for two performances per day on the same rig.

Basic price C: three performances on the same day, within a total stage time of 2.5 hours for dance, and 3 for other genres.

  • Fee per cast member*
  • Production costs (production budget/accounts are used as a basis).
  • Operating and administration costs (fixed amount per participant per day).
  • Possible rental of technical equipment if clarified.
  • Any rights and royalties.
  • It is assumed that the group has employer responsibility.

Scenekunstbruket calculates the basic price of the performance in consultation with the group.

For special tours where it may be relevant to deviate from the basic prices, the group can enter into a separate agreement that applies to these performances, this must be clarified with Scenekunstbruket. Our prices do not include pure workshops, the price of this is agreed directly with the contractor.

* The daily rate under the DKS framework agreement includes a production cost that is indexed when the daily rate is adjusted. Since we already have coverage for production costs, Creo and NSF/NODA agreed that the production cost would be deducted from the daily rate for Scenekunstbruket so that it is not added twice.

Scenekunstbruket does not charge fees or deduct anything from the rates.

Expenses for travel, accommodation and per diem are in addition to the basic prices and are agreed directly with the organizer. For updated rates see HERE

This means that the organizer is reimbursed up to 50 percent of the total expenses for performances selected from Scenekunstbruket's repertoire.

Every year, the counties report statistics and all costs (basic prices, travel, per diem and accommodation, rental of technical equipment, rigging days, transportation of students, etc. The organizer support that is paid is earmarked for the purchase of new performing arts from our repertoire.

Are you wondering about pricing?

We are happy to help you!