During the same period, Anki Oveland is acting general manager of Norsk Scenekunstbruk.

Ådne Sekkelsten Acting Director for Concerts Norway
The Ministry of Culture has appointed Ådne Sekkelsten, CEO of Norsk Scenekunstbruk, as Acting Director of Concerts Norway.
Sekkelsten is acting in the position pending the process of appointing a new director, initially for a period of three months starting February 1, 2016.

Press release from the Ministry of Culture can be found here.


In English:
Ådne Sekkelsten Acting Director for Concerts Norway
Ministry of Culture has engaged general manager for Scenekunstbruket, Ådne Sekkelsten, as Acting Director of Concerts Norway.
Sekkelsten will function as Director during the process of finding a new director, initially for a period of three months starting on February 1st. 2016 .

During the same period the Acting General Manager for Scenekunstbruket is Anki Oveland.