Then the statistics from Scenekunstbruket are ready, and in 2013, 2,400 performances were shown to 251,623 audience members in 56 different productions all over Norway.

The statistics show great artistic diversity, with theater, dance, puppetry and contemporary circus represented, and at the top we find the popular dance performance Askeladden på nye eventyr with the guys in Absence Crew. Norway's breaking champions won the Golden Sack with this performance in 2012. Absence Crew has performed their dance show over 200 times for more than 50,000 children and young people around the country.

Dancer Andreas Roksvaag says that they have been to most of Norway's counties with this performance, and the goal is to reach everyone! "It's something very special to perform for children and young people through Scenekunstbruket and The Cultural Rucksack, and we give our all at every performance so that everyone has an equally good experience. We've played for 20 people at an upper secondary school in Tromsø and for almost 1,700 at Stavanger Forum (9,000 pupils in three days). Askeladden has become a dream for us, and we are now in the process of creating a new piece that we hope can go Askeladden a big time! Last year we won the Golden Sack, and this made us even more eager to continue playing in the Cultural Rucksack and we hope that we win it again!

Just behind with 160 performances is the acrobatic theater performance based on Astrid Lindgren's beloved/familiar story Rasmus på luffen with Sanzén Produktioner. Further down the list is the duo whose balancing and juggling skills have delighted young and old alike with their 140 performances of Circo Herencia with Niky Laucha and Frida Odden.

Of these 56 productions, 13 are dance. The full statistics can be read here: Statistics 2013.