December 17, 2024
September 22, 2016
I Will Never Fix You (Teaser)
I will never fix you is a thought-provoking dance performance in which breakdance, hip hop and contemporary dance become a common language; about defying challenges and breaking boundaries. A performance about how we relate to each other, and how we need each other - in healthy and unhealthy ways. What do we encounter in...
I will never fix you is a thought-provoking dance performance in which breakdance, hip hop and contemporary dance become a common language; about defying challenges and breaking boundaries.
A notion of how we relate to each other, and how we need each other - in healthy and unhealthy ways. What limitations or opportunities do we encounter in ourselves and in each other?
Produced by Therese Slob Produksjoner, the performance shows a meeting between people with different cultural backgrounds and different physical conditions. It asks how we relate to each other and express our needs, hopes and prejudices. You'll meet Rayon, a refugee from Eritrea, and Redouan, a break dancer with a disability.
"I only feel handicapped when others treat me like one!" Redouan Ait Chitt
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