On Wednesday, September 15, we invite companies and performers to lunch here with us in Storgata 10 B in Oslo.

We start at 12.00 with food & drinks, then follows:

  • Scenekunstbrukets - who, what and where
    Who are we, what do we do, and where do we do it?
  • Performances and repertoire
    Who can apply, how does the selection process work, and what does it mean to be in our repertoire?

    Members of the Artistic Council will be present.
  • Spenn.no
    Why am I not getting money?
    Information, advice and pitfalls.
  • The future looks bright
    What happens next?
    Praise, ideas, input and questions.

(duration approx. 2.5 hours)

The lunch is completely free, but we need a binding registration by September 8 to anki@scenekunstbruket.no