If you wish to have performances considered for Scenekunstbruket's repertoire, we must receive information and a downloadable vimeo link no later than three weeks before the meeting date.

Next application deadline:

  • August 24th
  • October 26th

Next meeting:

  • September 14th
  • November 16


Scenekunstbruket assesses all incoming performances in consultation with the artistic council. The Artistic Council is an assessment body that, through its advisory function, contributes to safeguarding and strengthening the artistic and communication quality of performances included in Scenekunstbruket's repertoire.
Read more about the artistic council and their guidelines here.

Once you have been included in our repertoire, you will be highlighted on our website, and a performance price will be calculated that both the groups and the client are obliged to follow when touring in DKS. Scenekunstbruket has a member network consisting of 18 county councils (not Oslo). Organizers in the network receive organizer support, which means that they are reimbursed part of the total expenses for performances selected from Scenekunstbruket's repertoire. Organizers are free to use the repertoire overview to choose performances, and they contact the group/performer themselves to arrange a tour/assignment.

Fill out the application form here