The performance is inspired by the story of MAGO, an ancient creation myth from North Korea. MAGO is an elder mother, the giant, the goddess who listens to cosmic music and creates the world's many mountains, forests, rivers and lakes.

In our time, we have various scientific theories about how the world came into being. But even with this knowledge, we find it a mystery. We therefore need poetry, images, music and dance to describe, fantasize about and celebrate the mystery. We need to recreate the mystery of creation! On stage, the children will meet Korean dancer Mijeong Yoon who, together with composer and musician Torgeir Vassvik, will bring the myth to life through dance, joik and music.

The performance is a collaboration between Korean Babyart and Norwegian Babyopera. This collaboration is a result of the Korea-Nordic Connnection that originated during Showbox in 2017, and is a collaboration and exchange program that connects Korean and Nordic performing artists working with the youngest audiences. The aim is to build a solid foundation for long-term artistic collaboration, exchange and networking between the countries. It is the first of its kind with this geographical scope to focus solely on performing arts for young people. The Norwegian partner is PAHN (Performing Arts Hub Norway), and the Korean partners are KAMS (Korean Arts Management Service) and ASSITEJ Korea.

Supported by: Arts Council, PAHN (Performing Arts Hub Norway, Samii National Theater Beaivvas, Sami Arts Council, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea, KAMS (Korean Arts Management Service), Seoul Metropolitan Government, Huasis.

25 minutes

Max capacity:

Set up:
120 minutes

30 minutes

Stage size:
Width: 9 Depth: 9

Comments to the workshop:
Contact the group for more info.

Mijeong Yoon

Geon Kim

Torgeir Vassvik

Torgeir Vassvik

Mijeong Yoon

Geon Kim

Note for price
Price coming soon

Travel, per diem and accommodation not included

Number of people on tour

Book the performance

Get in touch with:
Camilla Svingen
47 936 44 301