A funny, burlesque and imaginative show about traveling and searching between heaven and earth, in fantasy and reality. About people's ingenuity, zest for life and dreams, friendship and loss."There's more between heaven and earth...."Baron von Himmelvlogen's flying machine, for example. And what a craft! A bicycle with wings, a pedal-powered engine with direct triple injection for spirits, a propeller and lubrication-free rudder with air-cooled rudders and a self-releasing lifeboat with a hand-cranked fog clock. A weather vane without a sense of direction placed in a funnel for collecting rainwater, a storm-proof coffee maker with roasting options, a self-fishing rod, a wind-chilled fridge for pastries and a globe with a built-in liquor cabinet for a compass and an early riser!And when you're looking for your childhood friend Captain Wassertrucken, who is a submarine captain in the Russian navy (and was last seen close to land in a Norwegian fjord!), you may have to take your time... But along for the ride is also the somewhat high-flying assistant and aircraft mechanic Count Südenswantzen, who is also a cook, butcher and map reader. And together they have a tendency to land in the strangest places and in the strangest situations with their self-constructed flying machine. "If this device is accurately made in screw form... and made to rotate rapidly, the screw will act as a wing and the machine will rise high into the air." Leonardo da Vinci - ca. 1500

Set up:
60 minutes

30 minutes


Jack Markussen

Jan N.C. Holden

Travel, per diem and accommodation not included

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Get in touch with:
Jan Holden