The last artist lab in the EU project PUSH will be held in Dublin in the new year, and the theme is "migration". We received a number of good applications, and the choice fell on dancer and choreographer Tony Tran, and director and performing artist Mine Nilay Yalcin. In Dublin, they will meet other performing artists from Scotland, Ireland, Denmark and Belgium, and some of the questions they will be working on are:

  • Over half of the worlds displaced people are children, what is the role of the artist in telling/representing their stories?
  • What do children in Europe understand of the current immigration crisis? How can we explore and interrogate this in an age-appropriate and artistically interesting way?
  • Do children who have been displaced and live in Europe see themselves represented in culture?
    What are the risks in trying to explore such an emotive issue through theater and dance for an audience of children?

See all the selected performing artists here!