4. september, 2024
18. august, 2022
Scenekunstbruket på ITAC6
Fredag 2. september ønsker vi, sammen med Kloden teater, deltakerne på den internasjonale konferansen "ITAC6: art as a catalyst for change" velkommen hit til Kabelgata.
Fredag 2. september ønsker vi, sammen med Kloden teater, deltakerne på den internasjonale konferansen “ITAC6: art as a catalyst for change” velkommen hit til Kabelgata.
Her vil de få innblikk i historien til dette tidligere industriområdet, planene for Kloden teater og kunsten og kunstinstitusjonenes rolle i å utvikle byens kunstscene og nabolag. Deltakerne får møte en kunstner som forteller om sin erfaring med å jobbe i offentlig rom, og vi vil gi et lite innblikk i det internasjonale prosjektet vårt “Performing arts as a third space for the young audience”. Konferansen arrangeres av SEANSE – senter for kunstproduksjon og “explores the intersections of teaching artistry with education, health, environment, and society in the 2020s.
Tour Kloden Theatre and Kabelgata, and meet Scenekunstbruket
Performing arts in urban and artistic development.
Kloden Theatre is one of Norways’ newest performing art institutions focusing on the young audience. The theatre is located in the middle Oslos biggest city development project, Hovinbyen – which today is an industry area outside the city center. In only a few years it is predicted that Hovinbyen will house up to 100 000 people and offer the same total amount of jobs and vacancies.
How can a theatre institution be a resource in positive social change in a new neighborhood? How can artists and the young audience together create spaces to live and stay? How can art be a common third place for inhabitants with different social and cultural backgrounds in the area? The theatre has great ambitions and will be a unique place for artistic development with national and international projects in the field of performing arts for the young audience.
The tour will guide you the new main street of the area Kabelgata, where you will get to visit the current Pilot venue and get insight into the plans for the main theater house that will open in 2025. You will also get to meet an artist who works with creating performing arts in public space before we end up at Tårnet Kulturarena, one of Oslos tallest buildings with an amazing view of the city, fjord and forests.
ITAC conferences are a gathering space for artists who work in communities, schools, and beyond, using their practice to create positive social change. Marking the 10th anniversary of the biennial gatherings, ITAC will return to its inaugural conference site — Oslo, Norway —on 1st -3rd September 2022. Since 2012 the ITAC conferences have been taking place in a different part of the world every 2 years, to give Teaching Artists (known by different titles such as community artist, participatory artist, socially-engaged artist, artist-educator, etc.) the space for international networking, professional development, accessing next, best, and radical practices, partnership building, knowledge exchanges and more. For ITAC6 the conference offers both in-person and online programming for delegates.
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