The last day of Showbox is now over. The closing day only had two performances on the program. However, these turned out to be incredibly good. Day four was a day the rookie enjoyed and he could go home with a big smile on his face.
The first performance was called "The Vicar". This was simply brilliant. I'm not going to say much about it, in case anyone is lucky enough to experience it. But I can say that this one went straight to the top of my list. During the half hour the performance lasted, I had time to feel sick to my stomach, because I laughed so much. "Vikarien" was simply incredible. I was introduced to yet another new way of doing theater and this way was so good that I want to marry it.
The next performance was from the same theater group, but a different type of performance, this one was a bit more normal. That didn't make the show boring. Its name, Bruce/Brenda/David, came from a real person. The performance was also based on this person. During the performance, we get a strong and personal encounter with Bruce/Brenda/David who changes gender not once, but twice. The performance is a strong personal encounter, while the actors have added a number of elements of humor. This means that it is not as heavy to watch. "I really liked this one. It was simply beautiful.
As I said, this was all the shows we saw today, but since this is my last diary I thought I'd summarize a bit. All in all, Showbox has been an incredibly great week. I'm really happy that Une managed to persuade me. Thank you so much Une. This has been an experience that I will never forget. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this and thank you so much for reading our blog!
Thanks for me!