New production
Amund Sjølie Sveen Economic Theory for Dummies Performance 100000
Anders Høgli Eye Seraeye Theater 130000
Blendwerk theater Anaconda Theater 190000
Yellow Cat Productions The Troll Critter Theater 150000
Gut and vessel production Leather mitten Theater 50000
Imploding Fictions Conversation Performance 100000
Johanna & tobias What's right Theater 150000
Johnsen & Johnsen produksjoner SA Trans World Airlines Theater 80000
Kattas Figurteater Ensemble Faustina Figure 100000
Konstellasjonen AS Owls in the bog Theater 150000
Landing Safarium Dance 100000
Marianne Rødje Hours with Rita Theater 100000
Morten Liene I am not a dancer Theater 23000
Panta Rei Dance Theater Behind the mirror Dance 180000
Propellen Teater SA Rami and Yuli Figure 200000
Silje Michaela Kvalheim Rubber Tarzan Dance 40000
Theatre Grimsborken Don Quixote Theater 200000
Theater NOR The Queen of Light Theater 70000
Theater Spillebrikkene Awesome! Theater 200000
Turnékompaniet as Mulla Sigurd Theater 200000
Tussilago Productions Reconstructions Theater 80000
Veronica Salinas Productions The windows Theater 100000
Facilitation / admission
Belinda Braza I Am Us Dance 40000
Blendwerk theater Living on Code 6 Theater 40000
E1T1 Productions AS Each One Teach One Dance 72000
Katja Brita Lindeberg If only Rosa could do magic Theater 70000
Robsrud & Dean Fendelhorgens Flock Theater 53000
Stine & The Ranuncles I see your mouth moving up and down Theater 25000
Number of applications: 79
Number granted: 28
Total amount applied for: 9.800000
Total granted: 2.993000