Why did the Norwegian government in London never say anything about what they knew was happening in the concentration camps? Why was the Norwegian police such an effective tool for the German occupiers? Why did we never convict the man who planned the deportations after the war? What does that say about Norway? And what does it mean to be Norwegian enough?Early in the morning on Thursday, November 26, 1942, 100 taxis stand in a silent queue in front of Vigelandsparken. In each taxi sits a Norwegian taxi driver and three Norwegian policemen. They are waiting for the signal to initiate the most effective arrest and deportation in Norwegian history. They know what they are doing and they carry it out with Norwegian thoroughness. That same afternoon, the MS Donau leaves the quay with 532 Jews on board. Only 9 will survive the war. The Germans report home that the news of the transport has spread like wildfire among the population, but without arousing much interest.*****You always have a choice. It is your responsibility to make choices all the time. What choices would you have made during the war? What choices do you make today when you see abuses being committed. Do you dare to break in, or do you retreat? Do you dare to stand up and help someone who is being attacked - physically or verbally? Are there situations where it's okay to bow your head and pretend nothing is wrong? Courage is something that is contagious. Like a wave that carries everyone along, even those who don't really dare... Do you agree?

Janne Langaas

Christina Lindgren

Sabina Jacobsson

Lene Therese Teigen

Marianne Thallaug Wedset

Tov Ramstad

Travel, per diem and accommodation not included

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Janne Langaas