Using the classic story, variety and slapstick humor, Sons of liberty presents a hard-selling interpretation of the hero role in modern popular culture. The superhero is our alter ego and represents the dream of being invulnerable in the service of good; the actors take on all kinds of heroic or sacrificial roles and alternate between representing good and evil. Fragments of fictional texts, comic book references, film and popular culture are used as a basis for scenic experimentation and innovation. With references from films such as Braveheart and Lord of the Rings, they address the themes of sexuality, death and honor. The performance has a socially critical subtext, taking aspects of today's society into the absurd.The performance group collaborates in this production with, among others, the German director Veit Sprenger from Showcase Beat Le Mot and the Swedish set designer Anja-Lisa Rudka.The production is co-produced with Teaterhuset Avant Garden with support from Arts Council Norway, The Audio Visual Fund, The Goethe Institute, The Norwegian Actors' Equity Association and Trondheim Municipality.

210 minutes

90 minutes

Lisa C. B. Lie

Marius Kolbenstvedt

Veite Sprenger

Anja Lisa Rudka

Steffen Telstad

Ingrid Bjørkøy
Artistic director

Travel, per diem and accommodation not included

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Lisa C. B.Lie