Capiche - Teater Manu/Unge Viken Teater
Thursday, November 28
Theater Manu
Wednesday, November 27
at 12:30 - 13:15
From 75,- to 220,-
Buy your tickets now!In the dance performance The Stillness, Ingri Fiksdal's starting point is the fantasy and sci-fi genre. In an imaginary world, three hybrid beings live - a shell-clad mixture of humans and insects. The performance is a physical, visual and audio speculation on how future humans might have to adapt to a changing world.
Target audience: Ages 10+
Duration: 45 minutes
Venue: Theater Manu
Idea and choreography: Ingri Midgard Fiksdal
Scenography and costume design: Jennie Bringaker
Composer: Camilla Vatne Barratt-Due
Video animation: Erlend Hogstad
Lighting design: Phillip Isaksen
Dance and choreography: Jon Filip Fahlstrøm, Panisara Wanlopbanhan, Trine Lise Moe/Victor Amel Olivares Pedersen (selected performances*)
Multitechnician: Rune Langaard
Technician at Showbox: Lovise Gjerdingen
Photo: Antero Hein
Production and distribution: Nicole Schuchardt
Production and administration: Eva Grainger
Produced by: Fiksdal Dans Stiftelse and Brageteatret in collaboration with Teatret Vårt and Kloden teater. Supported by: Norwegian Arts Council
Theater Manu
Christie's gate 5
Wednesday, November 27
at 12:30 - 13:15
From 75,- to 220,-
Buy your tickets now!